Motherhood Series: Women | Artist | Mother
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Artist Statement
Motherhood Series: Women | Artist | Mother
In this series of 4 paintings I carefully selected objects and chose colors to represent a 3
month time span in my young son’s life and also my journey through new motherhood, covering
0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months and finally 9-12 months.
Objects chosen for each composition were significant for those particular time periods.
Objects document different aspects of my sons development: sleeping (from swaddle to blanket)
feeding (breast pump to open mouth cup), toys (simple contrasting images to complex colorful
toys) and physical achievement.
Within each painting is also a reflection of myself. Through the chaos that is new
motherhood these paintings served as an outlet that connected me to my pre-motherhood life as
an artist. Siting at the easel I was able to document the changes within my child’s first year of life
and my endeavor into motherhood. On the canvas these two worlds of artist and mother came
Theses paintings are both a reflection of my sons development and my experience to find
a new normal in this role as mother.